Both Buyers & Sellers Need to Sharpen Approach

Sept 2018 detached transaction levels are 40% below Sept 2017, that is a trend that has been in play for several months and even back to mid-2017. 

Condos, however, have been in at least a strong (if not insane) seller's market since Feb 2015. Sept 2018 marks the first month, which most condo markets have entered at 'balanced' state. 

Balance means buyers have more selection and sellers still have a reasonable amount of demand out there if they plan to move. Both sides now need to sharpen their approach and be strategic, as this changing market presents fantastic opportunity. 

In any case, remember that this is not unusual; all markets ebb and flow. Good property will appreciate well through the cycles. 

If you have any questions or comments, shoot me a message. I am happy to go over any of these stats in greater detail. As Thanksgiving Day is upcoming, I'd like to take this opportunity to give thanks to all of you for your continued support. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and fiends - Gobble Gobble!
